K Brahmananda Reddy Park is probably the only reserved forest in the midst of a city. This ecologically sensitive place was daily invaded by a large number of enthusiastic joggers and walkers disturbing the flora and fauna. Hyderabad Urban Development Authority decided to carve out a peripheral 25 m wide belt around the park accessible to the public, while restricting the entry to the main park.
The resulting outcome was creation of a walkway garden. The curvilinear path and undulating terrain create a sense of mystery. The winding path never seems to end making the park seem much longer than it actually is. The walk¬way follows the natural gradient of the land and does get steep at times. Every bend springs a new surprise- a cluster of cactii, a lotus pond with overflowing edges, a peaceful grove of bamboo, a waterfall and perching peacocks, all make the morning and evening walk ritual a different experience every day. The park is predominantly planted with local flora with a few alien species to heighten the colorful environment during all seasons.